Dental Implant Help Pages

Open Tray Impressions

This page shows how to take an open tray implant level impression. These are often called "fixture head impressions". This example will show the impression for Neoss implants. With one exception ( the very narrow 3.25mm implant) all the Neoss implants have the same width of restorative platform regardless of the width of the implant itself.

This is how it works

As you can see, the top bit, the restorative platform, is always the same at 4.1mm. This means that, unlike other systems, you don't have to use different sized components for different widths of implants. They're all the same and this makes things very much easier. You just order an impression coping and you know that it will be the right diameter.

You will need

A transfer device
You will need an impression coping for each implant, They come in different lengths, 8mm, 11mm and 18mm but they are all the same width. The 11mm impression coping will be good for pretty well all your impressions. You would only need the 8mm or 18mm if the adjacent teeth are exceptionally short or long.

An implant replica
You will need an implant replica for each implant but they come in the pack with the impression coping.

The screwdriver from the Neoss prosthetics kit
Another advantage of the Neoss system is that there is only one screwdriver. There are different lengths though.

A special tray
Ask for acrylic, 3mm spacing, perforations, a stepped handle and a window cut over the implant. It is also possible to cut a window in a disposable plastic stock tray.

Impression material
We recommend that you use impregum mixed in a pentamix machine. The material is is less critical for single units and other crown and bridge materials can be used successfully.

A sheet of wax
You will need some regular sheet model wax which you will soften over a flame.

When you receive the impression coping from Neoss, it will look like this. It comes with an implant replica already in the packet. You can ignore the red bit for this. You don't need it for open tray impressions.

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