Teeth Whitening Referrals

Refer a patient for Teeth Whitening

We are happy to accept referrals for tooth whitening. We use the tray based tooth whitening system "Enlighten".

Please click here to go to the Enlighten website.

refer your patient

Our Tooth Whitening Clinicians

Simon Pope BDS (Hons) MJDF RCSEng MSc (Endo)
James Tinning BChd MFDS RCPS (Glasg) MSc (Rest)
Rebecca Hanson BSc

Rebecca Hanson is our Dental Therapist and Hygienist and has undertaken training to carry out tooth whitening. She took her therapist training at the University of Manchester. Rebecca has a Bachelor of Science degree in Oral Health Sciences and qualified in 2006. She is a registered dental care professional with the General Dental Council. Her registration number is 103110

meet the Team

Tooth Whitening Referrals

We will usually be able to see your patient within a few days and if the patient is suitable we will be able to take the initial impressions at their consultation appointment.

Please ensure that the patient is suitable for the procedure and that they are aware that existing crowns, bridges and restorations will not be whitened.

If you find it useful we have produced a referral form which you may use for referrals for tooth whitening. You can also send us a referral in your usual way.

refer your patient

Teeth Whitening Treatment Fees

Please see our current price list on the link below for our fees for tooth whitening.


Patient Information

Your patient will probably want to know how long the whitening will take, if it will hurt and if it is safe.

The initial appointment will take 15 minutes and providing the patient is suitable for the treatment, impressions will be taken (on rare occasions an additional appointment will be required for a special tray). Around a week later, the patient will attend the practice to have the trays fitted, to have pre-operative photographs, to have a shade taken and begin treatment. We will then see your patient for review at regular intervals where post-operative photographs and shade will be taken.

Please also reassure your patient that they may experience minimal sensitivity after the procedure for a couple of days. Studies have been carried out to show that tooth whitening by this method is very safe.

We have produced a patient information leaflet which may be downloaded, printed out and given to your patient.

patient information leaflet

Refer your patient

To refer your patient, simply click here to access our secure online referral form.

Alternatively you can refer by telephone with your patient's details and an outline of the case. We will contact your patient and arrange an appointment. Please give the patient a referral letter and any radiographs etc to bring with them to their appointment. Alternatively send these items in the post.

By e-mail. When we receive your message we will contact your patient and arrange an appointment. If you need to send radiographs etc, please give these to your patient to bring with them to their appointment or send them by post. If you have digital radiography you can also e-mail radiographs to us.

By fax number is 0161 320 8134. If you need to send radiographs etc, please give these to your patient to bring with them to their appointment or send them by post.

By Post, please send a letter to our address below. If you need to send radiographs etc, please give these to your patient to bring with them to their appointment or include them with your letter.

refer your patient